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December 23, 2008

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Clapton Rocks With Guns & Hunting

In a recently published interview, legendary bluesman and rock guitarist Eric Clapton said he credits shooting and hunting with helping expand his social activities.

“I’m not really that gregarious,” the 63-year-old said in an interview with The Art Newspaper. “And shooting with groups of people up and down the country has taught me a lot about how to get on with my fellow human beings.”Ericclapton

Clapton, a longtime supporter of The Countryside Alliance, Great Britain’s most active political force defending the hunting and shooting "country sports," is also the co-owner of Cordings, one of the London area’s premier hunting, shooting and fishing gear outfitters.

It may not be up to par with our Cabela’s or Bass Pro Shops mega-stores, but hey, founders Dick Cabela and Johnny Morris never played Layla, either!

The seminal musician also divulged how he has become a passionate collector of fine firearms. He admitted to paring down his collection two weeks ago, when he auctioned 13 custom made shotguns for nearly £400,000 ($589,000 US).

“It is following the same pattern as when I collected guitars—I get obsessed, then engulfed and finally narrow the collection down,” he said.

Rock on, Eric.


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I think that 400,000 Pound Sterling is about $600,000. Nice to know Clapton is one of the good guys.

Outdoor Life

Right you are, Ed. Have fixed my earlier error.