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Solving the Deer Problem, Iowa Style

Iowa, which has no shortage of huge, jaw-dropping, centerfold-sized whitetails, could address the deer nuisance issue by allowing bowhunting on small property parcels (read: backyards). Currently there is a 200-foot buffer zone around houses, which prevents hunting in suburban neighborhoods. With complaints on the rise, though, officials are running out of ideas for handling the rocketing deer numbers. If this plan passes, I will start a new deer extermination business. Imagine, sitting on a deck in a comfortable rocking chair, waiting for a champion buck to eat some shrubs. Sounds perfect. Read the story here.


Greg Russell

A sad and funny story at the same time. The one gal they interviewed says she understands that there are too many deer, but still feels hunting should only be allowed back deep in the timber. She never explains what she feels should be done about the area in question.
And I knew they had been having the sharpshooters in, but it`s a pretty hefty bill to pay. Then the one guy who says that he thinks it should be hunting, not simply shooting the deer. What does he expect? The numbers have gotten out of control.
Sadly, lost in all this is the fact that as both residential and commercial development encroach more and more into rural areas, and further reduce safe hunting areas, it creates more and more of the edge cover, excellent white-tail habitat. This problem is real, and it`s only going to get worse.

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