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Gator Season in Texas

The Lone Star state took another step toward making almost every living animal in its dominion hunt-able. Awesome, right? This time it’s the gator. The state’s Parks and Wildlife Department is putting forward a proposed season to hunt alligators on private land in areas outside of what biologists have designated as the “core range,” defined as 22 counties mostly in the east. Since being removed from the endangered species list in 1987, the American alligator has taken kindly to Texas. More than a quarter-million are estimated to live there.

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I live in Aransas County in Texas, an area that will be afffected by this legislation.Although I do not hunt, I am an avid outdoorsman that fishes extensivly both fresh and salt-water.Having seen an increase in the gator populatiopns over the last few years,I have seen people's reactions to finding them in unexpected places.This invariably leads to bad news for the gator.As an animal that regularly goes unnoticed in most of their range, it is nice to see the landowners be given another choice in handling them when they leave the marshes and invade back yards looking for new range,which can lead to pets, and rarely, people getting killed or injured.

Smith Dewlen

I applaud the new season, with one concern. Is the new season during the mating, egglaying or nesting season? If so, this will certainly have a negative effect on the population. Females will be taken and the possibility of an abandoned nest or one carrying eggs is bothersome. This needs to be taken into consideration.


The new season will run during the summer, according to the proposal. This is similar to Florida and Louisiana's seasons. I assume this is because that time of year does not affect mating habits.

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