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Caught Grass Carp is a Bad Sign

042806carp_1 The northern migration of Asian carp moves like the slow drip of a lethal IV. A grass carp, one of four Asian carp species loose in American waters, was recently caught in the Lower St. Croix River near Prescott, Wisc. Though grass carp have been caught in the Mississippi River between Minnesota and Wisconsin, this fish was found in waters previously thought to be carp-free. This particular species consumes up to 40 percent of its weight in aquatic vegetation per day. Such an appetite could destroy the habitat for native fish.


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Captain Cocktail

A friend of mine found a copy of a carp stocking from back in the late 1800's I beleive where they they first introduced Carp. Its interesting to read, but I think introducing Carp was a bad msitake.

Tom Rath

You will be the next outcast like Jim Zumbo - sad but true. Let facism ring.

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