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Contest Finalist Featured on TV

Fite_1Christy Fite, the pretty young mother of two, who is both an avid hunter and hard-charging NWTF volunteer, is a featured hunter on the Turkey Federation's Turkey Country television program this week. You might remember Fite from The Strut Zone where she won second place in the Give Us The Bird Photo Contest earlier this summer.

Turkey Country airs on the Outdoor Channel every Saturday, Monday and Wednesday. If you missed Fite along with fellow Oklahoma volunteer Mike White and NWTF Regional Director Gary Purdy on their hunt for Sooner State Rios, you have one more chance on Wednesday, Aug. 16 at 7 p.m. Check it out.


Christy Fite

Hey thanks Doug for posting this it is also going to be on Saturday at 12am if anyone is interested in staying up that late to watch but thanks.