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Call Like a Pro

If you want to know what a great yelp, cluck and cutt sounds like, check out this clip from former Grand National calling champion and Quaker Boy president Chris Kirby. Chris filmed these tips to run in conjunction with Steve Hickoff's "The Six Degrees of Mouth Calling," which appears in the March 2007 issue of OL.

Chris is one heck of a hunter and caller, and we appreciate him taking the time to film these tips for Strut Zone visitors. Hope his advice helps you out this spring.


Jerick Henley


I just got my March edition of Outdoor Life....great article on the Grand Slam. I am lucky enough to live in a State that has three of the four species! Oklahoma is blessed with Merriams in the far western reaches of the panhandle, Rios throughout most of the State, and Easterns throughout the Ozark and Kiamichi ranges. We have plenty of public land inwhich to pursue all three species. However, if a guy just doesn't have the time to invest, there is an outfitter in our area that provides the only three species, three day hunt I've ever seen. The Chain Ranch (www.chainranch.com) is located in NW Oklahoma but they have property across the State. If you know of another place that you can take 3/4 of the the slam in three consecutive days in one State, I'd like to know about it.

Thanks for a great article.

John Brown Jr.

Good to see you up and writing about turkeys! Man do I hate turkeys....by the way, Brian and I will be in Florida March 6,7,8, and 9th shooting an episode of "American Hunter" with some of your old co-workers.

I'll let you know how that turns out. Did I mention how much I hate turkeys..........time to kill the turkeys.....time to kill the turkeys.....time to kill the turkeys.....



Amen brother Brown. It is getting close to that magical time of year. I'll be in Florida about a week later than you guys. Hope the American Hunter boys do well for the cameras. They're a good crew over there and I miss my days at the NRA. They're all good folks.

Best of luck. Will you be at NWTF in Nashville this week?


Hey Jerick,

Thanks for the kind words. Sounds like you are in a great spot for turkey hunting. Three subspecies through one outfitter! That's as close to one-stop shopping as you can get in turkey hunting. Email me some contact info at the blog's account: [email protected] about the outfit. I'd love to profile them on the Strut Zone.

Good luck this season.


Hi Doug,

Enjoy your blog and your articles, keep them coming.


Thanks Mike. You bet I will.