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Turkey Seasons Open Soon

EasterntomIn case your head is numb from all the cold and you've lost track of the days, here's some information to offer you hope: The first turkey season of spring, Hawaii's, opens in just 18 days! On the mainland, in Florida, the first seasons open March 3. That's just 20 days away.

Now's a great time to dig into your gear closet and start going through old calls, camo and other items to figure out what's going to need replacing or quite simply, what you're going to need to buy to make this season better than last. If you haven't already begun to plan your hunts at home or across the U.S., check out the NWTF's Web site for a look at this year's Spring Hunt Guide. It offers season dates and other important info about every turkey season in the country--all in one spot.



I was out this weekend, checking out some new spots to deer hunt and I noticed all the turkey scratchings in the leaves. I also saw about 15 birds in one particular woodlot.
I think I found a couple of new turkey spots too.


Those flocks will begin breaking up by the time the season opens, but you can bet birds will be in the area. Good luck.