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Going South, Way South

Eastern_flock1_300Well gang, my transmissions may get a little erratic over the next week as I take one of last week's friendly critic's advice and go check out some foreign soil. (See and you thought magazine editors didn't really listen to its readers!) As such, me and the family are off to Curacao for seven days where as far as I've been able to figure there are no turkeys, but plenty of fishing, golf and frozen drinks. I hope to partake in a little of each.

I also plan to keep posting and have more great videos and tips scheduled. And I want to remind everyone to take pictures of their hunts and send them in with a short story to [email protected] for as soon as I return, we'll be kicking the 2nd Annual Give Us The Bird Photo Contest into high gear.

We're considering a video category this year as well for those of you who have become addicted to filming. Maybe my SC bro John Brown will guest blog one day and offer some tips. The boy knows how to run a camera now.

Anyway, stay loose and I'll be seeing you on the Strut Zone. Gotta run...

Photo courtesy of the NWTF.
