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Beauty, Eh!
Turkey hunting has really taken off in a place where people once though impossible, but the province of Ontario in Canada has become a true turkey haven. In fact, I got a chance to see firsthand, how into turkey hunting sportsmen are up there as I joined some on a trap-and-transfer project one December. It was the coldest few days of my life, but I met some of the best people you could ever want to meet during the trip.
Jeff Vandrish of Williamstown, Ont., sends us our first entry from Canada. Thanks, Jeff.
Here's a shot he took of a trophy gobbler he tagged this year. It weighed 21 pounds, 9 ounces and had a beard that measured 9 3/4 inches.
Great pic and nice bird, Jeff. You're entered into the Give Us The Bird Photo Contest. Winners will be announced Friday!