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Keepin' It In the Family

SzkellikarhlAs the last post featured Kansas' Adam Kahrl and a gobbler he took this season, we felt it only right to run his wife's first trophy immediately after.

After years of watching her husband head out each spring to chase turkeys, Kelli joined a growing list of female hunters and finally decided to give it a try herself. She earned her hunter safety license, practiced shooting before season, discussed it with her husband and watched some turkey hunting videos just to get a rough feel for how things might play out. She was ready.

But her first hunts, like for many hunters, were tough. On one day with 35-plus mile per hour winds (not uncommon in Kansas), she and husband Adam actually had a tom approaching when her had blew off and spooked the bird. But she never gave up.

Kellikarhl2On another day, the woman hunter and her husband were setting up beneath a lone tree in a pasture where turkeys had been coming. As the two cleared a spot to sit, a limb broke causing several birds to gobble from the treeline about 100 yards away. Excited, the two set up, and with some calls, one of the longbeards flew down and strutted right over to within 30 yards of Kelli, who promptly tagged her first turkey ever.

Congratulations Kelli. We hope this is the first of many. And thanks for sending the pics of you, your bird and your family. Like her husband, Adam, Kelli will be entered into the photo contest for a chance to win one of several prize packs. The deadline for entry submissions was July 4.
