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Last, But Not Least

SzrayThe Strut Zone will soon be getting back down to off-season news, gear reviews and whatever else comes along as our 2nd Annual Give Us The Bird Photo Contest finally comes to a close. Oh yeah, I still have one hell of a weird trip to Mexico I need to tell you about.

This last photo of the contest was sent in by Eric Ray who took this trophy atop a mountain near Kooskia, Idaho. Eric says he called the bird, and his buddy, both which came in strutting, across a canyon, fence, road, river and up the hill! It took him nearly 2 hours.

His dad shot the picture of Eric as he was heading back to his truck, bird slung proudly over his shoulder. Sounds like an awesome hunt. And it's almost fitting that the final image of the contest features a hunter walking away from us. Interesting....

Stay posted as we'll announce this year's winners later today!!!!
