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Duh! Men want hot women, study confirms

Camopanties1_2From the No-Duh Department comes this scientific revelation: Men Want Hot Women, Study Confirms. It appears that after observing 26 men and 20 women in a Munich, Germany, speed dating situation, researchers determined that while guys will cite a number of criteria for choosing a respective mate, the one common in their final selection is they would like the girl to be hot looking.

Somebody paid for this study?!? They needed a scientific study to come to that conclusion? Walk into any bar in America and a drunk can figure that one out, unless it's close to last call.

After all, isn't that why Baywatch was one of the most watched shows in its day despite David Hasselhoff and why more dudes will check out Maxim's Home Town Hotties this week than Hanback's Big Buck Zone even as deer season begins to crank up!!!!!

Man if somebody wants to throw money around to pay for studies like that, lets at least spend it on something we need to figure out, like why people really love to watch NASCAR (the crashes), why football remains one of the most watched sports on TV (the human crashes) and why turkeys will gobble every day before the season opener and then shut up when you're finally out there with a shotgun in hand (because God has a sense of humor.) Just give me the money, The Strut Zone will study the situation and then we can all get on with the obvious.

Heck, even the site ArkansasDuckHunter.com figured this one out. Where else can you find ATV silencers, game feeders, dove hunting chairs and of course, a camo thong for the missus!



Gee thanks... that's why I come here... to see scantily clad women.

I thought this was a HUNTING site.

Apparently, Hanback is rubbing off on you. Grrrrr.

Either give me beefcake or let's stick to the subject at hand.


Hot UFO-Couples (2 men) have Group sex in you sity.


Chris Fultz

send soon

Chris Fultz

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Chris Fultz

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