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Fall & Winter Turkey Hunter's Handbook

HickoffbookJust in time for fall turkey seasons, Outdoor Life contributor Steve Hickoff's new book Fall & Winter Turkey Hunter's Handbook hits the store shelves. While there are any number of ancient texts on the art of fall turkey hunting and plenty of modern books that touch on the subjects, Hickoff's latest offering is unique in that the entire book focuses on the autumn pursuit of the wild turkey.

For all of the hoopla in this country over the past two decades surrounding spring gobbler hunting, fall turkeys are perhaps one of the most under-utilized hunting resourses in the forest. Naturally most hunters are focused on deer at this time of year, as is yours truly, but if you love to hunt birds and aren't setting aside at least a few days to take the shotgun and calls afield, then you're really missing out.

Turkey Hunter's Handbook, published by Stackpole Books, boasts 240 pages of great color photography and sound advice on everything from tactics, gear, scouting and safety to turkey doggin', land access and flock composition and biology at this time of the year. It's a great read whether you are an avid fall hunter or just hoping to fill an extra feathered tag or two.

For an autographed copy, send a check for $26.95 (that price includes postage and handling) to Steve Hickoff, 97 Old Dennett Road, Kittery, ME 03904. You may also be able to catch Hickoff through his blog should you have questions before you order.


Brian Webb

Thank you for not printing the pictures of booty clothing. This is a hunting magazine not playboy.