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September 25, 2007

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Dream On

Every hunter likes to dream about the ideal hunt. Maybe it’s standing in the magnificent and oh-so-menacing presence of a Cape buffalo in Africa. Or it could be stalking a brown bear in Alaska. For some, it’s trying to outwit a double-drop-tine whitetail in South Texas.

When you talk about this in deer camp, all to often the response from your buddies is, “Dream on, pal. How can you afford that?”

Well, you can dream on—because for one very lucky hunter, Weatherby has come up with a way make that dream reality.

“Whether it's South Africa or South Dakota, one of the key elements of any hunt is the pride and enjoyment that your firearm brings to your hunting experience,” says Brad Ruddell, Weatherby's vice president of sales and marketing. “Hunters have held Weatherbys to their shoulders on dream hunts around the globe for more than 60 years. The Dream Hunt Contest will allow another fortunate hunter the opportunity to take the trophy of a lifetime.”

For a chance to win the Weatherby Dream Hunt Contest, contestants need to go to WeatherbyDreamHunt.com for the official application form. Entrants must be at least 21 years of age and a legal resident of the United States. You need to include the species you would hunt, who would accompany you, where the hunt would take place, and why it's your dream hunt. The contest began September 15 and ends December 31, 2007.

The grand-prize winner will receive the hunt described in his or her entry as well as a Mark V Accumark or Ultra Lightweight rifle in their caliber of choice, a softside case, riflescope with mounts and a hunting journal.

Runner-up prizes include:

First Prize: 1 Mark V Accumark or Ultra Lightweight rifle

Second Prize: 3 Orion D'Italia II over/under shotguns

Third Prize: 5 Mark XXII rifles

Fourth Prize: 7 Vanguard Deluxe or Sub-Moa rifles

Fifth Prize: 10 Weatherby softside gun cases

Sixth Prize: 100 Weatherby-logo hunting journals

As someone who has judged many writing contests I can offer you one hard-won piece of advice, which, to Weatherby’s credit, is reflected on the entry form. “Speak from the heart.” This is not just about hanging horns on the wall—it’s about what makes our hearts beat faster when we encounter the wild world. An old hunter once told me a long time ago what he loved most about deer hunting: “watching a whitetail drift like smoke through a hardwood stand.” You bet.

Slaton White



Snore ...

And let the BJs continue

Dennis L. Crabtrey II

I guess I'll enter, too bad the winner will have to use a Weatherby rifle/cartridge.

Black Rifle Addict

What the heck? I'll go for it!