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Service Rifles on the March
As if you needed another indicator of how dominant AR-type rifles have become, Brownells, purveyors of everything that is right in the world, have announced the launch of Brownells AR-15/M16 Catalog #1, the company’s first AR-15 specific, well, catalog. You can get yours by digging around HERE, or calling 800-741-0015. Mine’s already on the way.
—John Snow
I was researching the Remington 7600, and out of the mix Your site poped up. Good find, just added it to favorites. "Why Another Gun Blog" because gun owners want them.
Posted by: Bob Rubel | September 17, 2007 at 03:23 PM
Got mine already.
60 pages of AR goodies.
Posted by: trainer | September 17, 2007 at 09:40 PM
I guess I never understood the facination with this rifle. I have qualified "expert", numerous times in the military and, still do not like. I find it too toy like. Also, I have always objected to the .223 as a military round. I'll chose something that shoots .308 if push comes to shove.
Posted by: Carl | September 21, 2007 at 02:33 PM