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September 18, 2007

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When Leopards Attack!

I was just cleaning up the desktop on my computer this morning when I came across this photo. No, it is not the surface of Mars. It's the top of a very unfortunate professional hunter's head who got hammered by a leopard.
I received the pic more than a year ago from Hannes Wessels, a friend from Africa whose byline you've probably seen in OL. I remember how shocked I was when I saw the image the first time (and I was no less shocked this morning when I opened it up again). Every time I look at it I wince. The pain this poor fellow went through is simply unimaginable.

If you haven't seen the complete photo gallery before or read the story, CLICK HERE. But I must warn you, it's pretty graphic.

Todd Smith



There's a YouTube video of a tiger attack, too.


Ouch. Maybe I should start wearing the Kevlar helmet I got the next time I go hunting in dangerous territory.