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Hunting Heard
In an interview on ESPN yesterday, Bobby Knight reflected on his recent retirement announcement. He said that shortly after he made his announcement he heard from an old friend who said, “it’s about time.” Knight responded by saying that he was happy to be retiring because now he’d have time to do some hunting and fishing. Nice to hear our sports mentioned so prominently.
Interestingly, very little being said by any of the major presidential contenders on hunting or the Second Amendment…yet!
-Todd Smith
Coastal Brownies beware. Knight will have those salmon moving upcourt, er, upstream so organized starvation is imminent.
Posted by: Jim in Mo. | February 08, 2008 at 08:59 AM
I'm gonna miss Coach Knight. He was always good for a sound bite and lord knows he gave the media hell.
Funny thing about the media, they're all for the first amendment but they don't like the second.
I guess it's no wonder why Coach didn't get along with them.
Posted by: jstreet | February 08, 2008 at 01:10 PM