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New Blue Book of Gun Values Out
I’m always on the lookout for ways to waste time at work and I’ve come to think I’m rather proficient at it. Just ask my co-workers.
One of the most pleasurable methods I’ve found to make minutes turn into hours is to spend time with the Blue Book of Gun Values, the most authoritative source out there on what guns are worth. But the beauty of the Blue Book is that it gives so much more information than that. It can teach you how to grade firearms, tell you which features in a particular gun are most valuable, help you run down the production date of a particular gun based on its serial number and a supply info on a host of other topics.
If you pick up this book and are unable to make at least two hours disappear then there is something seriously wrong with you. The newest edition, the 29th in the series, is now available.
—John Snow
Maybe if Barack took a look at the Blue Book he would have a new understanding of gun value and those who appreciate nice guns. Or maybe he wouldn't. Unfortunately, when I look at those books and start coveting a classic gun it makes me feel like I'm in a position of "economic hardship." Then I go shoot my 20 ga Sterlingworth and I feel better.
Posted by: Sue B | April 22, 2008 at 02:42 PM