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May 08, 2008

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Alberta Bear Hunt: Bow Trophy

Bowbear One of my hunting partners, Tim Herald, and I decided to switch stands the other night. He is bow hunting up here and hadn’t tagged a bear yet and really liked the looks of the bear I had seen a couple nights ago but had passed on. At the stand he had been hunting a large bear had been lurking around the edges but hadn’t approached within bow range but was certainly within range of my slug if I wanted to take him.

So we swapped hunting locations and it worked out perfectly. He arrowed this beautiful boar and caught the whole thing on video. His big bear never showed, but at least I saved my magazine.

—John Snow



Damn you, monsters !
Why do you kill bears like that ? Are you silly ?! With your happy smile on your faces, next to these bears murdered... what you deserve is that it eats you.

Your "games" are... terrifying. I'll keep on being polite on your site, but I hope one day you will be able to think at this question :

Who are terrible animals here ?