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October 04, 2008

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Moose Down

My hunting partner Chad Schearer, the host of Shoot Straight Television, scored on a nice bull today that was called in by his guide, Mike Rivet with Great Canadian Adventures. I was off in a different part of the Swan Hills region, but it sounds like it was a very exciting hunt. The bull came in with his head down looking for a fight. Mike had to give him a loud bull grunt to get him to lift his head so Chad could shoot.

A single shot from Chad’s CVA Accura muzzleloader did the trick. He was shooting a .50-caliber, 444-grain Powerbelt bullet over 100 grains of American Pioneer Powder. The penetration on the frontal chest shot was awesome. The bullet went through the heart and liver and way back into the hind portion of the moose, which is a lot of animal to traverse.

I’m using the same setup and can’t wait to see what kind of performance I get. I’ll get a picture of Chad’s bull posted in a bit.

—John Snow
