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October 29, 2008

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Picture of the Day: Max’s 11-Point Buck

Max Reader LaDonna Chase sent in this picture of her grandson Max and the nice whitetail he took last week.

She writes:

Here's a good photo for you all!  This is our grandson, Max, from Sand Springs, OK, age 9, who took this 11-point buck on public land on the youth gun hunt weekend 10/18/08 in Locust Grove, OK with his Papa John Chase.  He's been around hunting since he was about four and got a doe last year but he shot this nice buck with a .243 Handi-Rifle!

Have to say I like young Max’s choice of gun. Granted, I’m not the biggest fan of the .243 Win. for hunting, but I do like those Handi-Rifles. They’re a good, solid value and a smart way to start a youngster hunting.

Good job, Max!

—John Snow
