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October 21, 2008

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Picture of the Day: Will Herald's Muzzleloader Buck

Willbuck_2 Here is 8-year-old Will Herald posing with this nice buck he shot with a muzzleloader just a couple days ago. Father Tim Herald gave this account:

He took this 9-pointer at about 50 yards. We filmed his hunt and since the deer came in over an hour before dark, we got a great video hunt. He is on top of the world, and I was pretty excited for the little guy myself.

I had to know about the gear he used (of course). The rifle is a .50-caliber T/C Endeavor that was loaded with 250-gr. shockwave bullets over a full charge of 777 powder.

“It knocks him for a loop,” Tim said. “But he doesn’t care.”

Looks to me like Will is following in dad’s footsteps.

Good job, Will!

—John Snow


jersey pig

fine example of the species. good job guys!

high plains hunter

Great to see a father-son hunting team--this is something you don't see enough of these days--all five of my kids have hunted and fished with me over the last 50 yrs--they till come home to the high plains for the annual deer hunt--wish more Dads or Moms would share hunting and fishing with their kids.


Congratulations Will, you got every right to be proud of that buck, it's a beauty, and thanks Tim for sharing your happiness with all of us.


In what state can an eight year old kid hunt? That is where we need to move. My son is itching to hunt, but alas he cant until he turns 12.