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November 18, 2008

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South Carolina’s 2nd Amendment Sales Tax Holiday

Gun owners and Second Amendment-rights watchers: here’s a great idea that we’d love to see catch on with state lawmakers across the country.

As a result of legislation passed this summer, South Carolina will have its first-ever Second Amendment Sales Tax Holiday on the two days after Thanksgiving this year.

The Palmetto State’s 48-hour reprieve from imposing its 6-percent state sales tax on firearms will begin at 12:01 a.m. on Nov. 28 and continue through 11:59 p.m. Nov. 29. The Second Amendment Sales Tax Holiday will apply to the purchase of “fixed-cartridge handguns, shotguns and rifles.”

So-called sales tax holiday bills are nothing new for state legislatures. In 2008, a total of 13 states either reduced or eliminated sales tax on the purchase of back-to-school clothing and supplies during the final weeks of August.

But South Carolina proudly stands alone with its ambitious temporary removal of the state’s sales tax on guns.

And it didn’t come easily, either.

In fact, the South Carolina House and Senate had to override Republican Gov. Mark Sanford’s initial veto of S1143 to finally pass the “Second Amendment Recognition Act” in late June.

The bill was introduced by State Representative Mike Pitts, a pro-gun stalwart and recipient of the NRA’s Rick Daniel Memorial Defender of Freedom Award.

Supporters hope the tax break will translate into increased sales for gun shops and sporting goods stores, coming as it does during what are traditionally two of the biggest shopping days of the calendar year.

The South Carolina Department of Revenue clarified that sales of items such as ammunition, black powder, holsters, archery supplies, antique guns and collectible guns will continue have state sales tax applied during the two-day period. In addition, the South Carolina tax holiday does not affect federal excise tax, which is imposed on all firearms and ammunition under the Pittman-Robertson Act.

—J.R. Abshe



I love my state!

L maine

should be nationwide way to go SC.